ST Sets with AN69 Membrane for CRRT 

The next generation in Baxter CRRT filtersets

AN-69 ST filter set
a nurse checks on her patient

Meeting the Demands of the ICU 

In your ICU, you demand high performance, simplicity, and flexibility during Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) procedures. Baxter’s ST filtersets with proprietary AN69 membrane offer that and more.


Unique adsorptive clearance mechanism that may have an impact on the removal of medium-sized uremic toxins that can be present in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). Membrane performance remains stable over time.1


Pre-connected filter and sets simplify therapy set-up and management and reduce touch contamination risk.2 The built-in deaeration chamber helps remove air without opening the circuit, reducing exposure and infection risk.3


AN69 ST sets are exclusive to PrisMax and Prismaflex systems, which support modality change during treatment with no set change required. They can also be used with any CRRT modality and all common anti-coagulant protocols​.


The semi-permeable CRRT hemofilter membrane mimics some of the functions of the kidney by removing solutes (waste products, electrolytes and other molecules), which may help improve fluid status and acid-base balance.4


ST filtersets with AN69 membrane offer excellent biocompatibility1 — the Polyethylenimine (PEI) surface treatment neutralizes the membrane’s surface charge without reducing the bulk adsorption of low- and medium-sized molecules.1

AN69 membrane types have diffusive and convective capabilities. In addition, they also have adsorptive capabilities.


The AN69 membrane has diffusive, convective and adsorptive capabilities.

AN69 Negatively charged membrane adsorption occurs throughout membrane. AN69 ST A cationic PEI layer neutralizes negative charge on membrane surface.

The thin, branched PEI layer that defines the AN69 ST sets creates excellent filter membrane biocompatibility with the same adsorptive capabilities of the base AN69 filter membrane.

PAES Filter Membrane and AN69 Filter Membrane

The proprietary AN69 filter membrane adds adsorptive capabilities to the conventional diffusive and convective capabilities, enabling the removal of molecules that would not be removed by conventional mechanisms.

Efficient Performance. It’s That Simple.

All the Confidence You Need

PRISMAX System CRRT Machine with THERMAX

ST Sets With AN69 Membrane for Acute Kidney Injury

Baxter CRRT Filtersets are engineered to work with both Prismaflex and PrisMax systems to help you optimize therapy delivery and quality of care for patients with acute kidney injury (AKI).

Important Safety Information 

The Prismaflex ST set is a single use device that provides blood purification through a semipermeable membrane. The Prismaflex ST set is for use only in conjunction with the Prismaflex control unit or with the PrisMax control unit (in countries where PrisMax is cleared or registered). All treatments administered via the Prismaflex ST sets must be prescribed by a physician. The size, weight, state of uremia, cardiac status, and general physical condition of the patient must be carefully evaluated by the prescribing physician before each treatment. 

If patients suffer from acute kidney injury and / or volume overload, the Prismaflex ST set is indicated for continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT), in modalities such as: 

Slow Continuous UltraFiltration (SCUF) 

Continuous Veno-Venous Hemofiltration (CVVH) 

Continuous Veno-Venous HemoDialysis (CVVHD) 

Continuous Veno-Venous HemoDiaFiltration (CVVHDF) to perform fluid management and reduction of uremic toxins. 

The Prismaflex ST100 set and ST150 is indicated for use in patients with a body weight equal or greater than 30kg (66lb) and Prismaflex ST60 set is indicated to patients with a body weight greater than 11kg (24lb). 

Rx only.  For the safe and proper use of the devices mentioned herein, please refer to the Instructions for Use.